Mortgage CRM Integrations
A high-quality mortgage CRM is a critical piece of software for a loan officer and their team. It keeps prospects, customers, referral partners, and other contacts all organized in a central location.
Credit Reporting Integrations
Floify's suite of credit integrations enables loan officers to order a borrower’s credit report through their existing credit vendor account upon conversion of a loan application into a live loan or on-demand directly from their Floify account.
Loan Origination System (LOS) Integrations
Floify's integrations with leading loan origination systems help lenders seamlessly manage loan files and applications, generate disclosures, and submit files to underwriting.
Productivity Integrations
Our productivity integrations are the extras lenders can use alongside their Floify point-of-sale system to help store sensitive documents, manage borrower contacts, boost marketing efforts, and more.
VOA/VOI/VOE Integrations
Direct source verifications that you will find with Floify's VOA/VOE/VOI integrations, not only speed-up document collection but are also known to eliminate fraudulent lending.