New feature adds admin oversight, shared support, and team customizations

New feature adds admin oversight, shared support, and team customizations

Company Dashboard goes live

Business and Enterprise level companies with multiple teams/branches will gain further oversight, support, and customization benefits from our new Company Dashboard feature.

  • Administrator Oversight: Company admins will now have the ability to oversee all manager accounts that fall under their company umbrella. Floify contains a large number of compliance-oriented configurations that are available at the Company-level, that can then be applied to all LOs for the lender. Similarly, Company Admins will gain control over a number of integrations allowing them to force all LOs to use, for example, a credit reporting agency of choice.
  • Unique Customizations: Individual LOs/Teams/Branches under the company umbrella will be able to have separate Floify accounts. Each Floify account has the capacity for unique customizations (email templates, milestones, quick packs, etc)
  • Shared Support Staff: Processors, coordinators, and other shared support staff will have the ability to switch between Floify accounts in order to support different LOs/Teams/Branches.