Introducing the Next Big Thing: Custom Fields, Layouts, and Business Rules

Introducing the Next Big Thing: Custom Fields, Layouts, and Business Rules

Just this week, we rolled out one of the most exciting and powerful feature updates to Floify in our history. The introduction of custom fields, custom layouts, business rules, and customizable dashboards will allow Floify Business customers to craft unique, dynamic data inputs. They can then use these features in a number of awesome ways to benefit both the lender and borrower.

Custom Fields

Custom fields are the foundation that layouts and business rules will build upon. Floify customers can create custom fields using a variety of data types like multi checkboxes, picklists, timestamps, single lines of text, etc.

  • File attachments (max size 25 MB)
  • Checkbox
  • Radio buttons
  • Multiple Checkboxes
  • Single-Line Text
  • Multi-Line Text
  • Date
  • Timestamp
  • Picklist
  • Multi-Selection Picklist
  • More built-in data types to come including number, email, phone, URL, and currency

Each custom field has internal permissions that tell Floify how a certain user-type can interact with the data field. You may want a certain field to be editable by only you or someone on your team. Additionally, you might prefer your borrowers to only be able to “read” the info (or not see it at all). The possibilities are virtually endless!

Customizable Loan Dashboard

Floify Business customers now have the ability to alter the information that is shown on their loan dashboard, creating new ways to quickly access information and sort your pipeline.

On your default loan dashboard, Floify displays 5 built-in fields of data: Borrowers name, Co-Borrowers name, Loan Flow Name, Status, and Flow Owner. With the new customizable loan dashboard feature, LOs can swap out any of those built-in fields to incorporate their own custom fields or the long desired Milestone built-in field.

Perhaps 5 fields are just too much information? Well, now you can reduce the number of columns as well. As a cherry on top, LOs can also set a default sort-by field. Now, their dashboard can be arranged in the manner most consistent with their process.

So, sort by milestones, sort by a custom field, or continue to sort by the newest loans. It’s up to you.

Custom Layouts

The new custom layouts feature allows Floify customers to display and edit custom field data or information directly from within a borrower’s loan flow.

Unique layouts can be created specifically for lender users or borrower users, and default layouts can be set for all new loans. Layouts can even change dynamically based on conditions set in your Business Rules.

This is an immensely POWERFUL new feature set. It provides an infinite number of ways to format and display information to your team members or borrowers. Internal notes, hyperlinked directions, task lists, and loan program pickers are just the tip of the iceberg for what you can do with your custom layouts.

Your borrowers will be able to get any and all relevant loan information from a single location – their Floify.

Business Rules

With Business Rules, you can dynamically change the layouts that your borrowers or lender team views with a simple conditional statement.

If this, then that.

To establish a Business Rule, you determine a “trigger” field. When that field changes to meet a condition, the business rule kicks in.

An easy example of a business rule in action would be to have a “Loan Program” picklist custom field, that when toggled to “FHA” (or Conventional, USDA, VA, etc). A business rule would kick in that changes the layout the borrower sees one displaying information relevant to an FHA loan or process.

You can have custom layouts for ALL of the loan programs that outwardly display when a lender chooses the appropriate program from a picklist.